Salut les amis,
What competition at the Washington tournament! We were a few players short arriving in DC (a total of 7), but thankfully the Washington Wet Skins gave us a collection of strong players to help us out, including an incredible goalie. Despite the boost, we faced some very strong competition, translation: we lost badly in a number of our games. We had our good moments just the same, and fun was had both in and out of the water. The Wet Skins had an excellent welcome reception at their sponsor, a sports bar called Nellie's. They also organized an exceptional party at Cobalt. It happend to be synchronized with the club's 10th anniversary party, which included big search lights outside the club, and free vodka drinks inside until 11pm, along with an excellent line up of DJs. The ACC team also took some time out to see the monuments and museums before flying back up to Montreal.

ACC Home Tournament
Salut les amis,
Congratulations to everyone for putting together a successful tournament. Bichon did all the heavy lifting, and even volunteered as a ref for the tourney. New this year we had music between games thanks to the new sound system they installed at the CVM pool. Our welcome reception, organized by Emelyne, was at the Drugstore in the village and was an excellent opportunity for all the out of town teams to socialize before the games. Thanks to everyone who made the tournament a success!
Congratulations to everyone for putting together a successful tournament. Bichon did all the heavy lifting, and even volunteered as a ref for the tourney. New this year we had music between games thanks to the new sound system they installed at the CVM pool. Our welcome reception, organized by Emelyne, was at the Drugstore in the village and was an excellent opportunity for all the out of town teams to socialize before the games. Thanks to everyone who made the tournament a success!
Eau-Vive Swimathon 2011
Hello water polo team-mates and friends,
The swimathon organized by ACC was again a great success this year raising approximately $11K for la Fondation d'Aide Directe - SIDA Montréal and la Maison d'Hérelle.
Our water polo team entered the swimathon again as a team this year with Frank, Catalina, Emelyne, and Paul collecting funds. While we raised several hundered dollars as a team, we did not manage to claim our usual spot as team entry raising the most money. An enjoyable evening for a good cause.
The swimathon organized by ACC was again a great success this year raising approximately $11K for la Fondation d'Aide Directe - SIDA Montréal and la Maison d'Hérelle.
Our water polo team entered the swimathon again as a team this year with Frank, Catalina, Emelyne, and Paul collecting funds. While we raised several hundered dollars as a team, we did not manage to claim our usual spot as team entry raising the most money. An enjoyable evening for a good cause.
Lake Water Polo
Salut les amis!
This summer we had a very special opportunity to play a modified game of water polo on a lake! The water at lac Xavier was a surprisingly warm low twenties Celsius thanks to a summer heat wave. Modified rules involved throwing the ball to hit a floating "sausage" buoy, which was anchored to the bottom of the lake. With no goalies, and no one allowed to approach within 2 meters of the buoy, it was difficult enough to score. We initially placed the buoys too far apart, not recognizing that the game would involve so much action behind the goal as well as in front and all the sides. We must have played about an hour before hunger and fatigue set in, at which point we cooked up a bunch of sausages on the BBQ. We could not have asked for better conditions for our trip, with the warm water, and sunny conditions. This was a team retreat that I'm sure we'll try to replicate again in coming years.
This summer we had a very special opportunity to play a modified game of water polo on a lake! The water at lac Xavier was a surprisingly warm low twenties Celsius thanks to a summer heat wave. Modified rules involved throwing the ball to hit a floating "sausage" buoy, which was anchored to the bottom of the lake. With no goalies, and no one allowed to approach within 2 meters of the buoy, it was difficult enough to score. We initially placed the buoys too far apart, not recognizing that the game would involve so much action behind the goal as well as in front and all the sides. We must have played about an hour before hunger and fatigue set in, at which point we cooked up a bunch of sausages on the BBQ. We could not have asked for better conditions for our trip, with the warm water, and sunny conditions. This was a team retreat that I'm sure we'll try to replicate again in coming years.
BRONZE at IGLA Hawaii 2011
Thanks to teaming up with the awesome WeHo recreational division team, we finished third and received bronze medals. Great job We-Ho-ACC!
IGLA Gala Dinner at the Zoo
Hello les amis,
The West Hollywood team sure does know how to throw a party! We were welcomed at the zoo with a lei made of fresh flowers, given a Mai Tai, and lead down a garden path in the zoo towards the banquet.
After an hour of mingling we were treated to a variety of local delicacies. Post dinner there was a performance of dancing and music of different islands in the region. It is hard to imagine how this can be topped for IGLA in Iceland next year!
The West Hollywood team sure does know how to throw a party! We were welcomed at the zoo with a lei made of fresh flowers, given a Mai Tai, and lead down a garden path in the zoo towards the banquet.
After an hour of mingling we were treated to a variety of local delicacies. Post dinner there was a performance of dancing and music of different islands in the region. It is hard to imagine how this can be topped for IGLA in Iceland next year!
ACC + West Hollywood B à IGLA Hawaii
Hello everyone,
Three players from ACC water polo have joined forces with the West Hollywood B team to compete in the cup division at the 2011 IGLA Championships in Hawaii. In the first game of pool play West Hollywood B defeated Toronto B with a score of 12 to 4. Congratulations to Cat, Kurly, and Carlos as they each scored a goal in the game! The team enjoyed mai tais beers and burgers to celebrate the win at Waikiki's Cheeseburger in Paradise.
Three players from ACC water polo have joined forces with the West Hollywood B team to compete in the cup division at the 2011 IGLA Championships in Hawaii. In the first game of pool play West Hollywood B defeated Toronto B with a score of 12 to 4. Congratulations to Cat, Kurly, and Carlos as they each scored a goal in the game! The team enjoyed mai tais beers and burgers to celebrate the win at Waikiki's Cheeseburger in Paradise.
Une deuxième place au tournoi Polopalooza
Fin de saison des tournois réussie pour l’équipe de water-polo, qui avec fierté a décroché la deuxième place au tournoi Polopalooza 9, organisé par les Triggerfish de Toronto. Détermination, performance, qualité de jeux, esprit d’équipe, plaisir et bonne ambiance, ont permis à l’équipe d’obtenir de très bons résultats et de se hisser jusqu’en finale. Bravo à notre coach Laura et à tous les joueurs pour leur belle performance !
Prix Equipe Montréal
Félicitation aux récipiendaires des prix d'Equipe Montréal! Bénévoles de l'année: Paul Kry, Ed Huott et François Lukawecki pour la création de ce blog. Athlète de l'année: Alain Roy. Joignez-vous à nous le 16 juin au bar Cocktail pour la remise de ces prix, et pour féliciter ces membres de notre équipe.
Première Entrainement PJD 2011
Après quelques semaines d'attente, les réparations à la piscine de plongée sont complets et nous avons finalement commencé nos pratiques d'été au PJD. Comme le temps était frais, nous avons profité du jacuzzi pour se détendre après l'entrainement.
Très bons résultats pour l'équipe de water-polo à New York
Bonjour à tous,
L'équipe de water-polo est fière des résultats qu'elle a obtenus lors du tournoi à New York – le Holedrive III – organisé par TNYA. L'équipe a réussi, contre toute attente, à se hisser dans le carré d'as et de terminer en quatrième position. Malgré une défaite lors de la dernière partie, tous les participants peuvent être fiers du résultat. L'équipe adverse, les Buried at Sea (TNYA), a du vaincre les Phoques Fantastiques (ACC) en prolongation. Voici les résultats finaux du tournoi :
1ère place – Honey Badgers (TNYA)
2e place – Eternal Flamers (Washington Wetskins)
3e place – Buried at Sea (TNYA)
4e place – ACC Phoques Fantastiques
5e place – Erecting Pool (Washington Wetskins)
6e place – Triggerfish Red
7e place – Boston Tea Baggers
8e place – Triggerfish Blue
Dans moins d'un mois, l'équipe participera à un tournoi à Toronto. Nous souhaitions la meilleure des chances à tous les participants!
L'équipe de water-polo est fière des résultats qu'elle a obtenus lors du tournoi à New York – le Holedrive III – organisé par TNYA. L'équipe a réussi, contre toute attente, à se hisser dans le carré d'as et de terminer en quatrième position. Malgré une défaite lors de la dernière partie, tous les participants peuvent être fiers du résultat. L'équipe adverse, les Buried at Sea (TNYA), a du vaincre les Phoques Fantastiques (ACC) en prolongation. Voici les résultats finaux du tournoi :

2e place – Eternal Flamers (Washington Wetskins)
3e place – Buried at Sea (TNYA)
4e place – ACC Phoques Fantastiques
5e place – Erecting Pool (Washington Wetskins)
6e place – Triggerfish Red
7e place – Boston Tea Baggers
8e place – Triggerfish Blue
Dans moins d'un mois, l'équipe participera à un tournoi à Toronto. Nous souhaitions la meilleure des chances à tous les participants!
Un membre d'ACC élu député
Le 2 mai dernier ont eu lieu les élections fédérales.
Malgré l'élection majoritaire d'un gouvernement ouvertement contre les droits des gais et lesbiennes, le Québec a fait le choix d'un parti de gauche, ouvert et qui « s'engage à appuyer l'égalité des gais, des lesbiennes, des bisexuels, des transgenres et des transsexuels à l'international, conformément à la Déclaration de Jakarta et de Montréal sur les droits de la personne ».
L'un des membres de notre club de water-polo, Alexandre Boulerice, a été élu député pour le NPD dans Rosemont--La Petite-Patrie, à Montréal. D'ailleurs, dans son entrevue à La Presse, il a été question du club : « M. Boulerice fait aussi partie du club de water-polo homosexuel À Contre-Courant... sans être gai. "Ils sont très ouverts, ils acceptent les hétérosexuels", a-t-il fait valoir. »
En mon nom et, je le souhaite, au nom de tout le club, félicitations Alexandre! Nous te souhaitons bonne chance comme député! J'espère que l'on te reverra malgré tout à quelques reprises dans la piscine!
Ceux et celles qui veulent suivre Alexandre, je crois que vous pourrez le faire grâce à son blogue ( et certainement les divers réseaux sociaux.
Bicycle Kick Slide
Bonjour à tous,
Dans la lignée des entraînements de Laure, on est invite à regarder cet article de Dr Marion Alexander. Il faut vraiment voir le vidéo pour comprendre comment ça se fait.

Dans la lignée des entraînements de Laure, on est invite à regarder cet article de Dr Marion Alexander. Il faut vraiment voir le vidéo pour comprendre comment ça se fait.
The bicycle slide is a rapid sideways movement of a water polo player, in which she moves to the side of her current position while leading with her feet. The bicycle slide is primarily a key defensive skill in water polo when playing a zone in a gap between two players.
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